MA/PhD Scholarships Indonesian Theology Students

The “Fonds Reguleth” Scholarship Fund aims at supporting financially protestant Indonesian students of theology or religious sciences, who want to do (part of) their study in the Netherlands. The study project should be conducted at a recognized Dutch University in order to obtain a Master degree or a PhD degree in theology or religious sciences. The “Fonds Reguleth” thus works accordingly the last will of Mr. David Reguleth (1791)

Please note that the number of scholarships available is limited. That means that not every application which meets the general and the specific criteria can be honored. 

Steun-ZWO is currently not processing new applications.
The budget for 2024 and 2025 has already been awarded.
As of September 1, 2025, new applications are welcome for the available subsidy for 2026.

The Fonds Reguleth supplies for three types of scholarships: (1) General scholarship, (2) Scholarship for field research to obtain a Master degree and (3) Scholarship for field research as part of a PhD study trajectory.


The application should meet a set of general and specific criteria.

General criteria:
The applicant:

  • holds the Indonesian nationality
  • is a member of a protestant church in Indonesia
  • is studying/lecturing at a registered Indonesian theological faculty
  • is recommended by his/her church and/or the theological faculty where he/she is registered
  • is accepted / registered by a recognized University in the Netherlands
  • is studying for a Master or PhD degree in theology or religious sciences
  • intends to become or to continue being a pastor in his/her church and/or a lecturer at a theological institution


In addition to meeting the general criteria, the application should also meet the specific criteria for each type of scholarship:

(1) A General Scholarship (maximum € 4.000) might be granted if:

  • the objective to study or do research in the Netherlands is approved by the supervising professor or lecturer of the applicant
  • the scholarship will be part of a comprehensive financial plan which covers the costs of obtaining a Master or PhD degree in the Netherlands
  • the scholarship is used for costs such as travel expenses (international air fare) visa costs and costs for housing and living in the Netherlands
  • the Fonds Reguleth did not grant a scholarship before regarding the same study trajectory
  • the application is accompanied by a completed CV form (.docx file)

(2) A contribution for field research in Indonesia is meant for students who study in the Netherlands and need to do necessary field research in Indonesia, in order to finalize their studies in the Netherlands. The contribution of Reguleth Fund is limited to maximum € 2.000.

This scholarship might be granted if the application is accompanied by:

  • a letter of motivation describing how the study objective meets the general and specific criteria of the scholarship applied for
  • a completed CV form (.docx file)
  • a document showing the official registration of the applicant as a Master- or PhD-student in theology/religious sciences at a recognized university in the Netherlands
  • a recommendation by the church or the Indonesian theological institution the applicant is affiliated with
  • a recommendation by the supervising professor of the applicant. This recommendation should indicate the necessity to travel to and stay in the Netherlands
  • a calculation of the costs of the study trajectory in the Netherlands and how the costs will be covered
  • the applicant has been or will be based in the Netherlands for the time of two academic semesters or more
  • the plan to travel to and stay in Indonesia and return to the Netherlands to finalize the study trajectory is approved by the professor or lecturer guiding the applicant
  • a statement that the Fonds Reguleth did not grant before a scholarship concerning the same study trajectory

(3) A contribution for field research in order to obtain a PhD degree (maximum € 4.000) might be granted if:

  • the application concerns the cost for necessary research or fieldwork in Indonesia connected to the promotion study
  • the applicant has been or will be based in the Netherlands for two academic semesters or more
  • the plan to travel to and stay in Indonesia and to return to the Netherlands to finalize the study trajectory is approved by the professor guiding the student
  • the Fonds Reguleth did not grant a scholarship before regarding the same study trajectory
  • the application is accompanied by a completed CV form (.docx file)
  • the Reguleth Fund has not granted a scholarship for the same study before

If one meet all required general and specific criteria you can sent in an application by mail to to

A complete application consists of:

(1) General Scholarship
– a cover letter motivating your application referring to the general and specific criteria
– the cv form(.docx file)
– your official registration as a Master- or PhD-student in theology/religious studies at a Dutch recognised University
– a recommendation from your church or the Indonesian theological institution you are affiliated with
– a recommendation from your guiding professor including the necessity to come to and stay in the Netherlands
– a calculation of the cost of your study in the Netherlands and how it will be covered

(2) Field Study Master Study
– a cover letter motivating your application referring to the general and specific criteria
– a completed cv form(.docx file)
– a document showing the official registration as a Master student in theology/religious studies at a recognized Dutch University
– a recommendation from your guiding professor including the necessity to do field research in Indonesia (approved field research plan)
– a calculation of the cost of your field research trip to Indonesia and how it will be covered

(3) Field Research PhD Study
– a cover letter motivating your application referring to the general and specific criteria
– a completed cv form(.docx file)
– a document showing the official registration as a PhD student in theology/religious studies at a recognized Dutch University
– a recommendation from your guiding professor including the necessity to do field research in Indonesia (approved field research plan)
– a calculation of the cost of your field research trip to Indonesia and how it will be covered

All the information required will be dealt with by us confidentially and limited to the scope of your application in accordance with the Dutch privacy protection law.